United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries. It incorporates 17 Sustainable Development Goals into a major action program for a total of 169 goals that countries have committed to achieving by 2030.

The Development Goals follow up on the results of the Millennium Development Goals that preceded them, and represent common goals on a set of important development issues: the fight against poverty, the eradication of hunger and the fight against climate change, to name but a few. ‘Common goals’ means that they concern all countries and all individuals: no one is excluded, nor should they be left behind on the path necessary to lead the world on the path of sustainability.

Beleafing is involved in three objectives and four sub-objectives of the UN Agenda.

Goal # 11 aims to reduce per capita pollution produced by cities, in particular with regard to air quality and waste management. Under Objective # 11.6: By 2030, reduce the negative per capita environmental impact of cities, paying particular attention to air quality and the management of urban waste and other waste.
Thanks to the inclusion of evergreen species in urban areas, beleafing significantly contributes to reducing pollutants in the atmosphere, especially during the winter season, making cities or communities more sustainable.


Goal # 13 Climate change represents a central challenge for sustainable development. Changing rainfall cycles and temperatures affect ecosystems as well as the plants, animals and people who live there.
Under Goal # 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptation to climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries. Thanks to the planting of trees in urban areas, beleafing wants to act significantly to reduce the effects of climate change in the city. The shading of the trees helps to reduce the heat island effect during heat waves and the leaf and root system instead helps to retain excess water during the most abundant rainfall.


Goal # 15 Biodiversity is a prerequisite for the development of humans and other living beings as well as ecosystems. However, the statistics show a steady decline in biodiversity and a loss of woodland.
Under Goal # 15.2: By 2020, promote sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and significantly increase reforestation and reforestation everywhere.
Under Goal # 15.5: Take effective and immediate actions to reduce the degradation of natural environments, halt the destruction of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect endangered species.

Thanks to the planting of trees in urban areas, there is a strong contribution to the increase of plant species in urban areas, the so-called urban forestry. Furthermore, with the inclusion of species suitable for hosting and promoting the pollination of poultry species, biodiversity is favored given the crucial role of bees in the sustainability and development of ecosystems.

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